fill in this online Recruitment document
(just click on it)
Member Recruitment
use this Template
Why do you want to join Paranoid?
What is your full Discord name?
What is your IGN?
Do you have any alts / how many?
What Timezone are you in?
How active are you per day (Average)
What servers have you previously played on?
What factions have you previously been a part of?
Have you got schematica / able to use it?
What is your age?
Do you have a mic? ok
What would you rate your Cannoning Skills:
What would you rate your PvP Skills:
What would you rate your Base Building Skills:
PvPer Recruitment
Use this Template
Why do you want to join Paranoid?
What is your full Discord name?
What is your IGN?
Do you have any alts / how many?
What Timezone are you in?
How active are you per day (Average)
What servers have you previously played on?
What factions have you previously been a part of?
Have you got schematica / able to use it?
What is your age?
Do you have a mic?
What would you rate your pvp: